Care services
Supported Independent Living
DCR operates an ‘Extended Care Model’ which features a dedicated care team of two (2) staff (with one reserve to cover staff illness or other emergencies), each of whom work on rotation with a client on a ‘live-in’ basis on average for five (5) to seven (7) days.
As a registered NDIS provider, our disability care services support those who live with physical, intellectual or psychosocial disabilities through delivering:
- Supported Independent Living (SIL)
- Community Participation

To access accommodation and community access support, participants require funding through NDIS or NIISQ. NDIS provides supported accommodation (SIL) funding packages that meet individual needs. Accommodation support can be on a 1:1 basis or shared support (1:2). The NDIS or NIISQ determines this level of support.
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides people with an intellectual or physical disability with the means to transform their life.
We provide our participants with assistance in accessing education and training programs, day programs, and paid work for those eligible.
Our community participation initiatives also enable them to participate in shopping outings, sporting clubs, regular visits with friends and family as well as cinema and amusement venue visits.
Full supervision of clients on community participation is provided by our support staff if required.
The National Injury Insurance Agency, Queensland (NIISQ) provides funding for people who have acquired personal injuries to be given necessary and reasonal treatment, care, and support.
We provide our participants with assistance in accessing education and training programs, day programs, and paid work for those eligible.
Our community participation initiatives also enable them to participate in shopping outings, sporting clubs, regular visits with friends and family as well as cinema and amusement venue visits.
Full supervision of clients on community participation is provided by our support staff if required.
The Disability Support for Older Australians (DSOA) program provides continuity of support to older people with disability who are not eligible for the NDIS.
We provide our participants with assistance in accessing education and training programs, day programs, and paid work for those eligible.
Our community participation initiatives also enable them to participate in shopping outings, sporting clubs, regular visits with friends and family as well as cinema and amusement venue visits.
Full supervision of clients on community participation is provided by our support staff if required.
Direct Care Resources assists participants to increase their independent skills within their home environment whilst using our model of care.
DCR offers a range of supports to assist in daily activities:
- Support participants to achieve their life goals
- Support participants to achieve their NDIS goals
- Support participants to increase independence and develop skills
- Support participants to access the community to engage in activities of their choice
The quality of life that our participants receive is a critical element of our care model. Therefore, we place importance on ensuring they have ample opportunity to participate regularly in community activities.
We provide our participants with assistance in accessing education and training programs, day programs, and paid work for those eligible.
Our community participation initiatives also enable them to participate in shopping outings, sporting clubs, regular visits with friends and family as well as cinema and amusement venue visits.
Full supervision of clients on community participation is provided by our support staff if required.
Additional Care Services

Child Protection
DCR provides support to children and young adults who are in the care of the State, and provides them with services that benefit their health and wellbeing and aid their development.

Community Programs
DCR’s Community Program was established to enrich the lives of our participants and provide meaningful connections, activities and opportunities.