Why our model of care works

A 24/7 model of care supporting participants to achieve their goals and actively participate in the community.

Real results through consistency, stability and continuity of staff in a modern living environment.


Single and co-tenancy living with staff: participant ratios of 1:1 and 1:2.

Fully furnished homes close to shopping, leisure, and sporting.

Supporting an independent lifestyle through daily activities.

Managers of Clinical Care overseeing direct supports.

Live-in supports on a rotational 7-day roster, ensuring continuity in supports by having 1 support worker per week. Thus, having two consistent staff in the residence.

Participant-focused supports eliminate the instability of short shifts and multiple workers per participant.

Individualised Personal Plans to guide service delivery throughout the support journey.

Carefully arranging supports based on participant interests and needs.

Emphasising natural compatibility and rapport between participant and support staff.

Moderating challenging behaviours through staged transitions and familiar support staff.